Tummy tucks, also called abdominoplasties, are becoming increasingly popular, thanks to their results. The procedure involves significant weight loss by removal of excess skin and tightening lax muscles. The aftereffects of pregnancies cause external and internal changes to mothers’ bodies, and most women prefer retaining their initial appearance.
Factors to Consider Before a Tummy Tuck
Like any other surgical procedure, it is vital to understand the potential benefits and risks of the process. While a tummy tuck proves to be beneficial for many women, there are stringent recovery requirements and possible effects that must be considered before going ahead with the process. These include:
If you are breastfeeding, it is vital to note that a tummy tuck may affect your breastfeeding processes. The nursing period for the mother causes a significant weight change and the production of high hormone levels. If you take medication necessary for the healing process after the surgery, it may be present in your breastmilk and affect the baby. Therefore, it is recommended that women undergo tummy tuck surgery three months after stopping breastfeeding to ensure their body heals faster.
Pregnancy causes a weight increase in the body of a mother. Once the baby is born, mothers may add extra weight to the nursing period. Therefore, it is paramount to have the tummy tuck procedure to retain your typical weight after lactating. Change in weight affects your abdominal skin by stretching it. Weight change reverses the results of tummy tucks.
Future Pregnancies Plan
Future pregnancies once a tummy tuck is done can reverse its effects. A tummy tuck will not affect the mother’s ability to get pregnant, but it can be wasteful for future pregnancies. If you want to maintain the tummy tuck results for the long haul, you may need to have the procedure after deciding you don’t want to give birth again.
Effects of Tummy Tucks
A tummy tuck tightens and reduces the size of your abdominal wall. The excess skin and fat may reoccur after a weight gain or subsequent pregnancies. Sensitivity in the abdominal tissue may change, and you may feel numb after the procedure. Mothers may also experience tissue necrosis, an injury to the fatty tissues of the abdominal area. Tissue necrosis is removable by surgery.
Preparing for a Tummy Tuck
Being fully prepared for a tummy tuck can make the experience less stressful and speed up recovery. To qualify for a tummy tuck, you should avoid smoking because smoking affects vessels necessary for healing and tissue repair. Smoking puts you at the risk of infection and slows the healing process of the surgery wound.
Before getting a tummy tuck, ensure proper care for you and your baby. Tummy tucks can be uncomfortable for the first two weeks after the procedure. The mother may be unable to lift the baby due to their weight. Walking after the process can be painful for two or more weeks after the operation.
Do you need tummy tuck surgery? Visit Alan Matarasso, MD, FACS, in New York, NY, for expert and safe services. For any inquiries, call 212-249-7500 today.